"Really enjoyed all the detailed and explanatory information regarding BISSP's, this will be extremely helpful within my job requirements, and I will be better able to assist our individuals when writing these".
-Rynetta, CCI
“Wonderful class- very informative, great teacher!”
-Kristina, Overture
“You know this subject quite well and you provided a good training”.
-Patrick, Cottonwood Community Alternatives
“Great information was given at this training”.
-Joann, Mountain Community Pathways
"I have been attempting to write Behavioral ISSP's for years and this was good information presented in a useful format."
-Sondra, CCI
"The presenter did know a lot and had a ton of good information to share".
-Residential Director, Colarity
"Very good information. Great workbook".
-Janet, Boone Guest Home
"I have been looking for a training on BISSPs for a while and I was so glad to see your training available in person. I have been writing BISSPs but it has been stressful as I did it. I now have a much better understanding. Thank you for your material as well as it gives good examples and is detailed".
-Anonymous, April 14th 2023 training.
Testimonials were solicited and consent was given to use for marketing purposes.